Saskatchewan Quit Smoking Challenge Follow-Up Survey

Thank you for participating in the 2024–25 Saskatchewan Quit Smoking Challenge, and for sharing your quit journey with us! Please know that the community of support does not end here - the Facebook Group will remain active and we encourage you to continue to share updates along your quit journey.

We appreciate you taking a moment to provide feedback on the challenge. Please note that your feedback may be used anonymously for funding purposes and impact reporting.

Complete this feedback form before March 7th to be entered to win 1 of 5 exciting grand prizes including Co-op gift cards of $1000, $750, $500, $250 and $100!

I acknowledge that my identity and responses will be kept confidential, and I consent to having only my responses from the registration pre-survey and the post-survey used for funding purposes, impact reports, and other reporting as Lung Saskatchewan sees fit.

I acknowledge that by completing this survey I will be entered to win one of the grand prizes. Should my name be drawn for one of the prizes, the prize will be sent to the address I have included in this form.

Saskatchewan Quits is open to residents of Saskatchewan only.

Please rate each item below based on how useful it was to you: